Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thought the WNBA scrum was entertaining? This takes the cake.

ESPN's Neil Everett (oh, and former KGMB Anchor and HPU SID) reported on SportsCenter tonight on the brawl of all brawls. From

Now you know why that guy who threw the ball and accidently hit a fan is in the minors. In all seriousness, you should NEVER throw a ball at anyone in that kind of situation. You could seriously kill someone. Unfortunately, that fan is in the hospital.

The problem here, though, is that they felt the need to finish the game after they suspended 17 players. At that point, I could care less about the game. And, those players didn't deserve to be re-instated so the game could be finished. What if their tempers were still boiling and something escalated again?


On a side note, I'm forcing myself to watch the MLS All-Star Game. As many of you know, I'm not the biggest soccer fan. But, after Keith Vashon of KBIG FM and myself left our lunch stop at the downtown Thai Food place, we ran into one of the UHH Soccer Coaches who was extremely excited about it and was watching it live.

One thing I'm noticing early: Toronto Soccer Fans HATE visiting teams. Who else throws streamers at the opposing players during a corner kick? Normally, during a regular-season game, I wouldn't mind, but it's an all-star game. Let's go all out in fun!


Anonymous said...

OMG! That's scary! What were they thinking? How could you throw a ball at someone like that? I hope the fan will be ok. Whatever happened to good sportsmanship and all that other IMPORTANT stuff sports are supposed to teach? Nice example for kids. Stupid people.


"Stupid people."

Couldn't say it better myself, Kelli.

And that's probably why you have a gig at a big paper, and I don't.


Anonymous said...

Well, the offer did come really late if that's worth anything. :-) But my voice is probably not for radio. I struggled making a fool out of myself once a week in speech class. That's more than enough talking for me.


Which offer are we talking about here? You had more than one? are super talented.

And by the way, I should remind you, and any of our readers, that the interview with Kelli (which btw, her voice is not bad like she believes) is at our podcast section of