Wednesday, June 11, 2008

HHSAA / HIADA Voting Issues

I just recently posted my corner article for on the voting problems that continue to set us back in the HHSAA.

I don't want to give all of it away (of course, I want you to go there and read it), but I did want to mention an idea that may better solve the problems that we are facing here.

We need to have one or thw other. The HHSAA is proving the HIADA worthless when they vote down the resolutions that are discussed and voted on by the athletic directors, yet the HIADA process seems to be the better suited process to make decisions that are less about league agenda and more about benefiting the individual schools and, eventually, the athletes.

Do you have a different idea on how you would like to see decisions made? Leave your comments here and we will discuss...

Also, if you have a blog, leave a link to it. If I like it, I'll add it to our "Bloglist" on the right hand side of the page!

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